Holiday Photo Backdrop DIY
I made a photo backdrop for a secret santa party we hosted! I’ve included the materials and instructions you need below, and watch the YouTube video to see how I put it together! Enjoy!
8 boards ranging from 6 - 8 feet (see size guide below)
5 colors of satin spray paint
Table (or hand) saw
Electric (or hand) sander
Face mask
Thin gloves (to protect hands from spray paint)
Key: Board (#): [height], [spray paint color]
Board 1: 6’, Color 1
Board 2: 8’, Color 2
Board 3: 6’6”, Color 1
Board 4: 7’6”, Color 3
Board 5: 7’,Color 4
Board 6: 6’6”, Color 5
Board 7: 8’, Color 4
Board 8: 6’, Color 5
Cut boards to varying heights, using the size guide above
Sand boards all over with particular attention to any cut ends
Use a sharpie to number the board on the back
Lay down tarp to protect surface from paint
Lay down 2 risers that boards can rest on for painting. This will help them not dry to the tarp.
Pair the boards that will use the same color (eg. Boards 1 & 3) and lay on risers. Put on your face mask and gloves.
Paint one light coat of paint on the front and all sides. This first coat is just a dusting of paint, so there will be a lot of board still showing through. Wait ~5 minutes.
Paint a second coat of paint on the front and all sides. This time will be more thorough and you won’t see much board showing through. Wait ~ 15 minutes.
Paint third coat of paint on front and all sides ensuring no board shows through. Move to the end of the riser for drying, leaving a small gap in between each board. If you need to store the paint, but it on it’s head.
Repeat steps 6 - 9 for the remaining boards and colors.
Let all boards dry for a few hours, I recommend letting sit for a day.
On day of event, arrange boards in numerical order, setting them right next to each other.
Style with balloons or other decorations!
If you’re storing the boards on the ground, lay them on risers so they don’t retain moisture from the ground
Store spray paint on it’s head if you want to reuse it